Thursday 15 August 2013

My First Post Ever!!!!!!!!!

It's been a long long long time since i thought i'll do this........ Today the day finally has arrived...... 

Wasn't that just too Miss Universe speech kinda line :P . But the thing is i am totally blank to how to start with this blog so i just wrote whatever popped into my mind.

So, for everyone to know my name is Akanksha. I am a 21 year old Delhi based girl who loves everything from chocolates to stilletoes (which i hardly ever get to wear coz i am 5'5'' and others around me look too tiny if i wear heels) and makeup to clothes, basically EVERYTHING GIRLY!!!!!!!!!

Taking up blogging was a medium to me to share the little knowledge that i have of makeup and clothes with all of you. I have always been the person in my house who either gets ready for a wedding or function in the very beginning or in the car itself because i am helping my mom, cousins, aunties and every other female member present at the moment. :P I do their makeup , i help them choose their clothes and the jewellery that will go with their dresses and what not.
And as a result i am the one left with the questions- what should i wear ?? how should i make my hair??  Huh!!!!

So, after the long story i just wrote :P now i would like to come to the point... In my blog you will find my honest reviews about the makeup products , clothing hauls, OFTD aka Outfit Of The Day,
some makeup looks and some accounts from daily life ( the interesting ones for that matter).

Now, i end this post with the promise that i'll be honest in all my reviews and be punctual :D.

See you in my next post. Until then take care my lovelies!!!!!! See you soon in the blog land!!!!!! <3 <3  xoxoxo

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